Hotel Calypso nalazi se u Zagrebu, na 900 metara od izlaza s autoceste koja vodi do raznih dijelova zemlje. Povijesni centar Zagreba s Gornjim gradom i katedralom Sv. Stjepana udaljen je 11 km. Lokalna autobusna postaja, s učestalim linijama do grada, smještena je ispred objekta. Hotel Calypso nalazi se na 1 km od trgovačkog centra i 18 km od Zračne luke Zagreb.
Isabella Island Villas 4* (Dio Isabella Valamar Collection Island Resort 4*/5*) located on the more active side of the island of Sveti Nikola, they are an excellent choice for a luxurious holiday by the sea in a relaxing Mediterranean atmosphere.
Isabella Island Miramare Suites & Villas 4*/5* (Dio Isabella Valamar Collection Island Resort 4*/5*) located on the island of Sveti Nikola with a beautiful view of Poreč, the luxurious Isabella Island Miramare Suites & Villas is the perfect choice for a vacation in Istria.
The tastefully renovated Imperial Valamar Collection Hotel is a historic gem offering timeless elegance and modern comfort close to the charming old town of Rab.