


What are Benefit Cards and what benefits do I get?

Benefit card is a digital card that provides you with access to numerous discounts and benefits, so the final bill for your trip and vacation is much smaller. No other card offers as many attractive features that you can use at a discount or even for free. With the Benefit card, you can get better prices for sleeping in hotels, hostels and other accommodation facilities, buying tickets for museums, sights, national parks, transport and numerous attractive features. There are many services you can obtain completely free of charge, as well.


What are the types of the Benefit Cards, how long are they valid for and how much do they cost?

There are two types of this digital card

- Silver Benefit Card, valid for 7 days, the price is 30 Eur

- Gold Benefit Card, valid for 14 days, the price is 45 Eur


What discounts are obtained through the Silver Benefit Card and the Gold Benefit Card?

The benefits of both cards are numerous, but the Gold Benefit card includes higher category and luxury hotels, as well as numerous privileges.


Who are the Benefit Cards partners?

The list of all the Benefit Cards partners can be seen at our website: www.benefit-cards.com


How can I buy Benefit Card?

You can buy the Benefit Card on our website: www.benefit-cards.com


How do I activate my Benefit Card?

The card is easily activated by using it for your first discount for a product or service offered by our partners, which is also when the card starts being valid.


How do I use the Benefi Card?

Bothe cards are used the same way.

  1. After purchase, you will receive a link for the virtual Benefit card via email
  2. Save the Benefit card on your smartphone and use it on your phone, as well. You don't need to print your Benefit Card.
  3. When you want to use the Benefit card, show the digital card on your phone at the sales point
  4. After using the service, personally or with the help of a person representing the service provider, cancel the used service on the phone 
  5. If you are buying or reserving in advance a service that supports the Benefit card, you have to announce verbally or in writing that you will be using the discounts provided by your Benefit Card. It is necessary to contact the sales point and let them know you are a Benefit Card card owner and that will be using a discount in a certain amount.
  6. In the case of an accommodation reservation, it must be received in writing with an indication of the discount obtained with the Benefit Card.


Can I use the public transport?

If there is a contract with some of the transport companies, your Benefit Card enables you to travel with a discount.


I can't find my login information. Who can I ask for help?

If you lost or forgot your login information for the Benefit Card program, you can contact us at help@benefit-cards.com.


Can I cancel the purchase of the card free of charge?

Yes, you can return an already purchased digital card that has not been activated completely free of charge within 30 days and you will receive a refund within 15 days of purchasing the card. It is important that you have not started using the card. If the card has been activated, i.e. the first service has been used, the card cannot be returned. For this option, contact us at help@benefit-cards.com.


Can I get a VAN invoice for a purchase with a Benefit Card?

It is possible to get a VAN invoice, but you need to specify this in the registration phase.


Will the list of your partners and benefits grow?

The list of Benefit Card partners and benefits will grow according to the arrangements with respective partners and their discounts.


What do I need to know about using the digital card?

The Benefit Card digital card is assigned to the person who purchased it. This can be proven by providing your legal identification document.


Can I use multiple discounts with different partners within the same day?

You can use multiple discounts with different partners who are within our partner network.


How can I see if my digital card is still active?

You can check if your card is still active on the My cards link or at help@benefit-cards.com.


Can I lend someone my digital card?

Benefit Cards are assigned exclusively to the person who bought them. Only the person whose name stands on the card can use the benefits of the card.


Which personal data do you gather?

Only the personal data required during the registration process. All of the data are protected through the GDPR system.


Where can I send a complaint or compliment as a Benefit Card user?

The best way to do this is via our email address: info@benefit-cards.com.