
Conditions of Use


Provider: Key4you

User: Facility that offers services/products/accommodation, etc.

Holder: Benefit card customer


By using our website, you automatically accept our terms and conditions of trade, as well as any amendments made by the owner at any time and without prior notice. The user is obliged to take care of the security of their password and to change it periodically. You can use our website exclusively to search for our products, get information about products and buy a virtual Benefit card. Using of the website for other purposes without the written permission of the owner is punishable and subject to the copyright law of the Republic of Croatia.

Benefit card is a virtual card that allows discounts on certain services or products with our contracted partners (user). It is not a means of payment, nor can any financial transactions be made with it.

The website www.benefit-cards.com does not guarantee that the images and descriptions are necessarily identical to the original product/object/service. The service provider reserves the right to make errors in the product description and images.

The service provider undertakes to ensure the timeliness and accuracy of the information on the website, especially in relation to the amount of the discount, the price and the description of the offered products. The provider is not responsible for possible errors in the product description, images and errors caused by changes in the discount amount. The percentages as well as the types of services highlighted on the website www.benefit-cards.com are subject to change depending on the time of year, seasonality, the user's promotional programs and other reasons.

The provider will endeavor to display the images and description of the user's offer as accurately as possible. Product information and product images are informative and subject to change.

If the customer bought a product (Benefit card) and has not started using it, they can return it within 30 days from the day of purchase and will be refunded for it.


Information about the seller

Key4you j.d.o.o. (PID 62309190286), with headquarters in Kastav (City of Kastav), Jurjenići 109B



All prices on our website are retail prices expressed in euros and include the calculated statutory VAT rate of 25%.

The company Key4you j.d.o.o. reserves the right to change information (including product prices) on the website without prior notice.


How to buy the product

You can find the product you want to buy on the website. When you have found the product that suits you, press the "Add to cart" icon. After this, the product will be in your "Basket". You can change the quantity of the product in your basket or delete the product if you do not want to buy it. By entering the product in the cart, you can select “Checkout” and complete the purchase, or you can continue buying other products by pressing the “Continue Shopping” icon.

When you have selected the required products, click on the “Checkout” or “Make a purchase” icon in your shopping cart overview. After successfully entering the required personal data in the following steps, define your address and submit the payment.

If you need help choosing a product or have difficulties with placing an order, you can contact us at our e-mail address: help@benefit-cards.com



You can pay for the ordered products in the following ways:

  1. Online payment with debit and credit cards through the STRIPE system, an advanced system for safe acceptance of payment cards via the Internet. Payment is possible with VISA, MasterCard, Maestro, Diners and Visa Premium cards.


Card usage

After the card has been purchased, you will receive an invoice by e-mail and a link for the card in another e-mail. After clicking on the link, identify yourself again and open an overview of all the services that the specific card offers. The card is activated when using the first service by clicking "Use". From then on, the card is valid for 7 or 14 days.


Protection of personal data

The company Key4you aims to protect its customers' personal data, in such a way that it collects only necessary, basic data about customers/users that are necessary for the fulfillment of our obligations. It also regularly gives customers the option of regulating their data use, including the option of deciding whether or not they want to remove their name from lists used for marketing campaigns. All user data are strictly kept and available only to employees who need this data to perform their work. All employees and business partners are responsible for respecting the principles of privacy protection.

Technical and organizational security measures are also taken to protect your personal data from accidental or illegal destruction, loss or alteration and from unauthorized disclosure or access. Information about users are available only to employees who need this information to perform their work.

The Benefit card customer (Holder) can access their personal information on our website using the link received by e-mail when purchasing a Benefit card. The card buyer is advised not to disclose the password to third parties. The card holder must be aware that no data transmission over the Internet or any wireless network can be 100% secure. Although Keyforyou implements data protection safeguards, it cannot guarantee the protection of any information transmitted to or from our website, and is not responsible for the actions of any third party that receives such information.